Start Mailing Buyers
+ Get A Free Mailer Upgrade
And Surprise Traffic Bonus

Join Kenny Kolijn at Frank Bauer's New Site

STEP 1: Join Mailer Gold with this link
You'll see "Referred by Kenny Kolijn" when registering.

STEP 2: Claim Your Bonuses Here
Send me your Mailer Gold username & name.
Get 1 month TOP upgrade at one of our mailers (see below)
Upgrade at MailerGold and get another 2 months added.

STEP 3: Enjoy your traffic!

I highly recommend getting the Lifetime upgrade deal.
Currently 65% IS UPGRADING. That must be a record.
The price is low, everyone can afford this.

Only 2000 898 lifetime upgrades left

Bonus Details

You'll want to be a member of our sites when requesting your bonus....


Have A Great Day And Keep Increasing Your Traffic - Kenny Kolijn